Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Human Wet Blanket

Ok, so I know that I hardly ever mention work, but today is different.

I prefer to work alone. I have my own (most of the time) weld area that is fenced off by weld curtains with only two entrances. The last guy who was assigned to help me now refuses to work with me because (as he told the supervisor) "it is just too stressful". (Insert evil laugh here - muahahaha!) His welds were crap anyway. He had no problem sending substandard welds out to the customers. I am the lead welder, I totally put my foot down about the crap he was sending out. Anyhow, he didn't last long in my weld area.

The guy who is now helping me can weld and knows better than to send crappy welds out, but he is the most negative person that I know. He can literally take glitter and unicorns and turn it into either a problem with management that will lead to the downfall of the company, or a government conspiracy that will lead to the end of the world. The worst part is that he doesn't shut up. He takes one simple point and drags it out for like a half hour or more.

I came into work in a serious funk this morning and told him that I would be keeping my earbuds in all day. Thankfully, he got the hint and left me alone. There are few things nicer that when I have my welding helmet down and my earbuds in so I can be in my own little world.

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